On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 19:53:01 -0700, Mark Kundinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ugh.  It, uh, sounds kind of like your display might be jacked in

The TV? Heh. No, I'm watching the TV (not through Myth, tho'). The monitor I'm using to start the set-up process.

Did a monitor used to work in addition to the TV?

It was an either/or situation. It would boot to the monitor and then when X started, it would go to the TV. This made sense to me. When the config file is loaded, it switches.

The last thing you do on the nVidia install of KnoppMyth is to change the X11 config file to make the nVidia output to the TV. Well, not change, just copy a config file over. And it worked. So I left it to do, you know, the life thing, and two days later, I boot and it's trashed.

Weirdly, when I left it, I was working entirely in black-and-white. Today when I started it up and got the boot screen on the TV, I saw color, plus the TV was displaying a test pattern in between flickering back-and-forth.

Did you ever used to be able to see the computer's boot process on the TV?


Maybe you're booting with the wrong kernel?

How is that possible? How many kernels do I have?<s> I'm using KnoppMyth, I've installed and reinstalled many times, but now when I install it, I'm going to hell during the nVidia driver install.

The problem is, once the output goes south, I end up having to reinstall for lack of any way to fix it, i.e., I can't see anything to fool around with it.

I'm using the latest KnoppMyth, a generic LCD, a Samsung 1080i (30", I think), GeForce Ti4600, AMD 2400, 1G Ram, 120GB HD, Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum...S-Video in from the TV, S-Video out to the TV, no hookup with the sound yet....
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