> Hello, I've been browsing through the archives and can't seem to find
> anyone else that has had this problem. Here is my hardware setup related
> to my problem:
> P4 1.7GHz
> 512MB RAM
> Geforce 2 Video Card using VGA out
> Mitsubishi WT46809 (connected with breakout cable)
> Hauppauge PVR 250
> I have gotten MythTV set up and running great. Recording works great with
> the PVR-250, I've got it running 1920x1080i and I'm working on getting
> Lirc running now.
> My problem is that my TV doesn't want to wake up after I turn it off for
> an extended period of time. I leave the Myth frontend running and I turn
> the TV off when I'm done to prevent burn in. If I leave it off for more
> than a half hour when I come back to turn it on it comes on for about 5
> seconds and shuts itself off.
> I can get it working again by unplugging the VGA from the back of the
> computer, turning on the TV, and then rehooking the VGA cable back to the
> computer. What's odd is that I can turn the TV off and back on, just not
> for an extended period of time.
> Here's what I've tried to fix it:
> Disabled screen blanking in BIOS
> Set DPMS off in xorg.conf
> Disabled screensaver settings in xorg.conf (ServerFlags)
> "xset -dpms s off"
> "setterm -powersave off"
> "setterm -blank 0"
> (I know, these are for console, but I'm trying everything here)
> I'm at the end of my rope here, any ideas? I can post my xorg.conf if
> needed. Thanks in advance!

2 things

i) does your TV have an automatic turn off if the same image is
displayed for a period of time?
ii) if you connect a regular monitor to the VGA out and leave it, what happens?

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