Brian McEntire wrote:

I'm recording OTA HDTV with a PC HD-3000 card.

The video quality looks perfect, rarely pixelates, but the audio is very bad: it sounds choppy, echos frequently, and has a pulsing quality to it.

I'm recording on a P3 1.6 with 768 MB RAM. From what I understand, recording OTA HDTV doesn't take a lot of resources because the card is just capturing the (already encoded) MPEG2 stream from within the ATSC broadcast.

I think the problem does lay in the capture side though because even if I transcode a captured show to xvid using nuvexport, the audio still sounds the same on playback and I think those transcoded formats wouldn't tax the CPU enough to cause audio problems.

Actually, MPEG-4 (DivX, XviD, etc.) requires more resources to decode than MPEG-2. Basically, the higher the compression, the harder your CPU has to work (for both compression and decompression). H.264 gives even more compression than MPEG-4, but will put the the best-on-the-market general-purpose CPU's to the test for decoding a 1920x1080 stream.

So, how about fessing up--what kind of system are you using to play back the video? Have you tried playing it back in other players (i.e. MPlayer or xine)? Have you tested it on a Windows machine? It sounds to me like a playback problem since--as you correctly observed--HDTV capture is just writing the already-encoded MPEG-2 stream to disk.

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