Okay, I deleted the mythconverg database and restarted the whole config of mysql then mythtv-setup as per the instructions on


 For review, my machine if a P4 running on FC-3. My video cap card is a Hauppauge Wintv-go that runs fine on the bttv driver, and my cable provider is Time Warner (US) and I have a login at zap2itlabs.com from where I've been downloading my channel lists for some time with no problem on that end.

 I have made a screenshot gallery detailing the steps that I took as per the HOWTO (I have no remote so didn't follow lirc config).

The shots are on:

 As you can see, running mythfilldatabase gives a whole bunch of errors, and running mythtv-frontend gives no pic or sound...

 I would greatly appreciate any advise in this matter. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


On 9/11/05, Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11/09/05, Analabha Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I finally decided to uninstall everything and restart. I did and ran into
> problems. I installed the mythconverg database, and tried to start the
> mythtv-setup utility, but it crashes with the following error:
>  2005-09-11 16:35:01.954 New DB connection, total: 1
>  Total desktop width=1024, height=768, numscreens=1
>  2005-09-11 16:35: 01.962 Using screen 0, 1024x768 at 0,0
>  Could not find theme: blue
>  2005-09-11 16:35:01.981 Switching to square mode (blue)
>  mythtv: could not connect to socket
>  mythtv: No such file or directory
>  lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages
>  2005-09-11 16:35:02.404 Joystick disabled.
>  Could not find theme: blue
>  Couldn't find theme blue
>  If this is the master backend server:
>  Now, please run 'mythfilldatabase' to populate the database
>  with channel information.

Hi Analabha

Did you follow Jarod's guide _to the letter_ on a completely new
installation of FC3? I've followed it though several times on
FC2/3/4/RHEL4 and not had any problems this early on in the install
(although I am not in the US so use a different grabber).

Make sure the myth themes package is installed (you are using
atrpms.net for packages?) and that you follow every section in the
guide through, in order, paying special attention to MySQL.When you
state you reinstalled the mythconverg database, what exactly did you
do? This should happen automatically.

For your audio, make sure the permissions are OK and try using
/dev/pcm and /dev/mixer as your audio device/mixer.


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