Nick wrote:

On 15/09/05, Brian Merrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So obviously I'm missing something.  Why doesn't the channels.conf
import add the freqid information?  It's there in the channels.conf.
Also why is the channum set to the serviceid?  Should I include another
field in channels.conf with the name I want the channel to be?  Is there
an extended format for channels.conf that allows you to add addition
information?  Or am I still just stuck manually adding this information
to mysql?

I appreciate any thoughts and help.

The 'channels' and 'dtv_multiplex' tables are also involved in this
process - make sure that the frequency info is in the multiplex table,
and that the channel entry in the channels table references the
correct entry in the multiplex table.

mythtv-users mailing list

I see, so at what point do those values get filled in? Does that mean that I should do a full scan first and that the 'channel' and 'dtv_multiplex' table should be filled in at least with initial information and at that point I can import channels.conf? Or do those tables get filled in during the mythfilldatabase process meaning I should select my source, run mythfilldatabase and then import channels.conf? Well, in either case, I manually added the transports via the advanced button and then ran a mythfilldatabase against my source end then imported the channels.conf but noticed that I got an error "Unknown column 'qam_256' in 'where clause'" and the query string was "Select mplexid FROM dtv_multiplex WHERE sourceid=1 AND frequency=765000000 AND inversion='a' AND modulation=qam_256; So maybe I'm not correcctly matinch up the channel name, i.e. KUTVDT vs KUTV-DT as reported by zap2it so my sourceid doesn't match up? Anyway I'll keep chasing after it.

mythtv-users mailing list

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