On 9/14/05, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>         I had some audio issues during MNF this week(Eagles vs Falcons).  I
> recorded the game via DVB on a HD3000 with Myth 18.1.
>         At various points, audio would drop completely, and the only way to
> fix it was to stop the recording, then restart it.
>         I tried using +/- to switch audio tracks, but that didn't help at
> all.  I didn't see anything significant in the frontend logs.
>         I also noticed a few points where the 5.1 audio would switch to 2.0
> and back again, but this was probably a transmission issue on ABC's
> part.
>         Did anyone else experience similar issues?
>         Thanks
>         Dave
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I watched the game live hd ota, and can confirm lots of drops to 2.0
from 5.1, and sometimes complete dropouts too, this usually also
included a switch from 720p to 420i and then back to 720p.
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