R. Geoffrey Newbury wrote:

I'm building up a Mythtv box. Just loaded the new Mandriva 2006.0-04 beta
which has the 2.6.12-11 kernel with all of the via modules built in.
I'm running KDE and with the right software installed I confirmed that it
would play audio (kscd) and DVD's (kaffeine).
I installed my pcHDTV card software, then ivtv for the Hauppauge 500.
Then I configured and compiled mythtv..This took a while and I ran out of
time at the end of it. It reported some errors so I figured I would have
to try again, probably with a newer version than the one urpmi gave me.

I shutdown and this morning.... no X server running... no dm.. The error
message points to an 'exec' failure and points to a file 'X' which is a
symlink to a file 'Xorg'  *which does not exist*....(From memory ->

At least it doesn't exist now..Otherwise the machine seems to work fine.
Understand that it ran fine yesterday and I did not (at least knowingly)
fiddle with anything to do with X...

So. Any pointers on how to *quickly* recover? It appears that the Xserver
is munged...I don't know where or how and I'm not sure I want to go
spelunking too deeply in fear of breaking things worse.

Worst case, I guess is to use this machine to find the correct URL then
wget the X source rpms on the mythbox and then configure/make/make
install, all in tty0...but I would like to avoid that if possible. It's
hard enough to do when you DO have a graphical interface to work in!

You could try reinstalling the RPM for X. You can first see what is wrong by using:

rpm -V XFree86

This should tell you what files are missing or inconsistent with the XFree86 RPM package. If you used apt-get to install your packages and need to reinstall them, I believe you can use:

apt-get --reinstall install XFree86

There are lots of XFree86 RPMs, so you might want to look over each of them. Use this to get a list:

rpm -qa | grep XFree

I hope this leads you in the right direction.

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