nope, and I think I'll stuck to my netbootable clients and install and buy two machines.

On 9/16/05, Derek Meek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Have you tried getting it to work under Wine :P

AJ Hettema wrote:

> hi all,
> I agree with the fact that the kids are probably better of with Linux
> as with Winblows XP. But there is a small problem:
> they need to use software from/fore school wich only runs on Windows XP.
> I think I'll end up on installing 2 machine's anyway. for making it easy.
> And for the record, the youngest one (almost 5 years old) can't read,
> but knows how to login on a command line already :D,
> and I will give them the local root password, cause you will only
> learn how computers work if you can screw them and install it all over
> again.
> greatings
> On 9/16/05, *Dewey Smolka* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     >
>     > A few suggestions...
>     >
>     > 1.  Knoppmyth.  Just document what ip addresses and other settings
>     > need to be changed.  Inconvenient, but easily the least expensive.
>     I'll second this, but with one caveat: you have to make sure that your
>     Knoppmyth disc is the same Myth version as your BE or else you'll get
>     db connection errors.
>     <snip>
>     > 3.  Ditch Windows.  My kids use KDE on one of the myth frontends.
>     > It was a little difficult for the first few weeks, but they have
>     > adjusted fine and are able to do anything any of thier friends
>     can do.  The
>     > usb drive my 10 year old uses for school loads up fine from the
>     > windows box at school to the linux box at home.
>     >
>     > Paul
>     I'll second this as well. It may seem impossible at first but there's
>     really nothing outside of games on MS Windows that a good Linux system
>     can't do (except maybe trojans, viruses, and DRM), and an awful lot on
>     Linux that MS can't or won't do (generating pdfs, managing separate
>     network interfaces and subnets, customizing, tweaking, scripting,
>     logging, going months without a reboot, etc).
>     When I first built a Myth box about as year and a half ago, I was also
>     looking for a way to make it work with my MS XP laptop. It didn't, at
>     least not well, and was generally a pain.
>     I ended up installing FC3 and making it dual-boot, which solved all
>     the Myth problems. It also means that I've been using MS a lot less as
>     time has gone on, and don't really miss it at all (though I must
>     admit
>     I do still boot to MS from time to time to play Railroad Tycoon).
>     I guess the answer is that you can probably get some of the
>     funtionality of Myth on MS Windows, but it's easier in the short-run
>     to set up a dual boot or Linux-only system as a frontend, and better
>     in the long-run for all of us -- as the Linux user base increases, so
>     do the number and quality of apps, the level of hardware support from
>     vendors, and the speed with which improvements are made and
>     incorporated.
>     Also, it's a common misconception that computers in general and Linux
>     in particular are difficult for kids. This couldn't be further from
>     the truth -- just remember when you were young and were the only one
>     in your house that could figure out how to program the VCR.
>     Give a kid MS Windows, and he'll (or she'll) learn how to point and
>     click. Give a kid Linux and he'll learn how computers work. Don't give
>     them the root password and there's only so much they can screw up.
>     Can't say that about XP.
>     Good luck
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