On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 15:51 -0400, A JM wrote:
> Great information! Thanks.
> So, it's a processor intensive operation and requires some type of
> video out allowing for the connection between FE and TV in a HD
> format? Can this be done on a diskless system?

Anything, well other than the backend, can be diskless.  Of course there
has to be storage _somewhere_ 

I have a Biostar M7VIG400 that can be booted off of NFS.  In fact the TV
i'm watching is using it.  I ordered another one of these boards.  One
problem with the board is I have to do a complete power off to reboot
the system.

If you went that route and went hi def, you'd have to buy one of the
fastest AMD xp processors to be safe.  Of course if your starting from
scratch you might want to go 64 bits.  I have an amd 2000+ I'm going to
use, although I'm uncertain if it is going to be fast enough.  

> If the BE does the recording (HD-3000) and the front end does the
> displaying is that stream compressed as it travels the network? 

Afaik the stream is mpeg2 compressed before being sent over the air, at
least with normal hdtv.  I'm pretty sure it stays mpeg2 compressed until
the frontend decompresses it.

> I guess what I'm asking is can a wireless connection handle HD or does
> it have to be wired?

I'm not sure, other than 802.11b can not handle it.  I think this has
been discussed in the list before.

> I've seen a lot of mention of the "epia" systems are they just a
> fairly robust frontend with HD capability or mostly because of the
> form factor "mini-"?

I'm not sure those are fast enough for HDTV.  The board I mentioned
might be a tolerable front end,  except for that irritating problem.
You can put in a new video card and sound card.  The board does have a
spot for a spdif header from its internal sound chip, but you would have
to solder wires there and I have no idea if one would get any digital
audio after doing it.
(I had to download the manual to check on that, so it took me awhile to
send this.)


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