On Sunday 18 September 2005 12:06 am, Stephen Boddy wrote:
> On Sunday 18 September 2005 02:03, Jesse Guardiani wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > On this page, I see mythburn with
> > what looks like an on-screen interface:
> >   http://mythburn.sourceforge.net/
> >
> > But when I installed mythburn from
> > here:
> >   http://knoppmythwiki.org/index.php?page=MythTVBurn_Scripts_HowTo
> >
> > All I got was a mythweb interface.
> > Does the latest version of mythburn
> > come with a GUI interface? Or do I
> > have to use the web interface?
> Hmmm... maybe the line:
> "New interface coming soon..."
> directly above the picture should give you a hint... ;-)

Does that mean the web interface superceded the GUI?
Or vice versa?

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin
mythtv-users mailing list

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