----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jesse Guardiani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mythtv Users" <mythtv-users@mythtv.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2005 1:59 AM
Subject: [mythtv-users] mythburn - wow - this takes a LOOOONG time...

> So, I bought a nice 8x DVD+R burner
> for cheap, thinking that my biggest
> problem would be speed issues when
> I burn from a file stored over NFS.
> But it turns out that is the LEAST
> of my problems!
> I haven't even gotten to the point where
> I can attempt a burn. My poor 733mhz CPU
> is still transcoding my PVR 350's nuv
> file up to DVD resolutions!
> By my calculations, it's going to take
> about 6 HOURS to transcode a 30 minute
> show... man.... and this project-x
> thing is running java of all things,
> which certainly doesn't help the speed!
> So how do you folks go about burning
> DVDs? Do you just have massive 2.4ghz
> processors and burn over night, or
> am I doing something incredibly wrong?
> -- 
> Jesse Guardiani
> Programmer/Sys Admin

If possible use your PVR-350 card or similar to record straight to
a DVD compliant MPEG2 format. You can them Burn DVD's
in close to or better than real time at least I can using a 2.4Ghz

What would be really cool would be a hardware transcoder card
that could not only decode the most popular formats but also 
re-encode them to a choice of formats in real time or better.

My standalone dvd/hard drive recorder can do something similar
by only MPEG2 to MPEG2 formats so it must be possible.


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