I ripped a couple of DVDs but I find that when I try to play them through one of my MediaMVPs that it is a bit jerky.  That is my fundamental problem so if anybody has any suggestions about that in general, let me know.

My current approach involves trying to transcode them down to a lower bitrate hoping that I won't have sync issues in that case (playing back TV recordings, even at high quality, seems to work pretty well).

I've been playing around with transcode but I don't quite understand what it is doing.  It has about a million command line switches and my experiments so far frequently lead me to two files: one for video and one for audio (at least, I think that is what is happening).

Anybody have some good boiler plate command lines for transcode that will take a .VOB file and give me a complete video file that plays on the MediaMVP (I think mvpmc only handles MPEG1/MPEG2 but I'm not sure)?

Thanks for any assistance.


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