I'd be really interested in hearing any comparisons between OTA signal receptions of this card and the pcHDTV HD3000. I currently have the HD3000 and sometimes have trouble receiving all our local ATSC stations with my HD3000. My problem is that the local transmitters are located in 3 different directions. No matter which way I point my antenna, one or two stations' signal strengths are borderline.

BTW, I am using the least directional antenna I could find, a single bow-tie w/backplane reflector.


On 9/19/05, Mercury Morris < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 9/19/05, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey everyone!  Just wanted to let you know that I finally got the next generation Air2PC that has been on backorder since MARCH!  It came today and it's actually been renamed to the AirStar-HD5000-PCI by TechniSat Digital.  I got it from cyberestore.com.  I haven't installed it yet, as I just have a standard def TV right now anyway.  Anyone else get theirs yet?  Anyone else install them?  I'm pretty excitied to see some success stories and good writeups!
Hey Matt,

FedEx projects that I will have two Air2PC cards delivered on 21 Sep.

Each card will be installed in separate MythTV systems, joining a
PVR-250 and HD3000 in one system, a PVR-350 and HD3000 in
the other system.

I'll document my experiences here, as soon after 21 Sep as possible.

Good Luck with your new card!


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