On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 19:57:05 -0700
Bruce Markey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jay Jarvinen wrote:
> ...
> > Bruce, you magic-hater you, of course there's magic.
> There is no magic. Digital logic is deterministic and there are
> specific causes for the events when the code is executing.
> You screwed up but I have never seen anyone so hyper-sensitive
> and ramble on so redundantly with such self-absorbed wussy
> defensiveness as this message. What a wimp. Grow up.

Pfeh. Whatever, you confuse politeness for wimpyness and come back
with this machismo bullshit, being anal about digital logic,
woop-dee-doo. Furthermore, I seriously doubt you actually read my

Sure, "digital logic" is what the "poor guy" wants to hear about when
his SBE isn't working.

Misinformation? My setup works.

Bruce: "BS, 1 + 2 != 3 damnit, but two plus one equals three."

Your tough-guy routine needs works, but at least you're convinced.

-Jay Jarvinen

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