> I got the latest ninemsn grabber from http://www.immir.com/tv_grab_au
> (version 1.4) and finally found all the bits it needs to run.
> I configured a new video source in mythtv_setup.
> I changed my card to use the new source
> I altered the chanels to use the new IDs
> When I ran  mythfilldatabase,
> $ mythfilldatabase
> 2005-09-21 19:19:54.640 New DB connection, total: 1
> 2005-09-21 19:19:54.700 mythfilldatabase: Listings Download Started
> 2005-09-21 19:19:54.701 New DB connection, total: 2
> ----------------- Start of XMLTV output -----------------
> 2005-09-21 19:19:54.704 New DB connection, total: 3
> grabbing 7 days into /tmp/mythKJprMy
> ...and it just sits there.  A zero length file is created as
> /tmp/mythKJprMy,  but no data appears, and the script never completes.
> What to do now....?

Huh? Mythfilldatabase doesn't create files, it reads the program data
from a previously created xml file and loads that into the database.

I get the xmltv listings like this:
$ /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_au --config-file

and load it into the database like this:
$ mythfilldatabase --file 1 7 /home/mythtv/.xmltv/tvlistings_9msn.xml

My config file looks like this for Sydney free-to-air:
$conf = {
  'days' => 7,
  'output' => '/home/mythtv/.xmltv/tvlistings_9msn.xml',
  'TZ' => '+1000',
  'services' => [
      'name' => 'free',
      'region' => 'Sydney',
      'regionid' => '73'
  'slow' => 1
$channels = {
  'ABC NSW' => 'nsw.abc.gov.au',
  'ABC2' => 'abc2.abc.gov.au',
  'CHANNEL NINE SYDNEY' => 'sydney.nine.com.au',
  'CHANNEL SEVEN SYDNEY' => 'sydney.seven.com.au',
  'NETWORK TEN SYDNEY' => 'sydney.ten.com.au',
  'SBS NEWS' => 'news.sbs.com.au',
  'SBS SYDNEY' => 'sydney.sbs.com.au'

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