hello there

I'm hoping some of you out there might be able to help me here.
I've had a mythbox for a few years now and it has worked very well.

Recently the hard drive in my box took a dump. So I replaced it and set
about rebuilding my mythtv box.

I've been following the instructions found at
http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/fcmyth.php#ts for all of my builds. this time
however, something is wrong.

When I attempt to watch live tv or play a previously recorded program, the
frontend locks up. I hear a few seconds of sound, a black picture and then
lockup. actually the whole interface locks up. I cannot switch between
apps. I can still ssh into the box from my laptop, so I can see that the
backend is still running.

Checking the /var/log/mythtv log shows nothing.  I've been able to alt-tab
to the terminal window I launch mythfrontend from and see for a few
seconds the output, but nothing there shows any errors.

the only difference between my previous working box is the hard drive and
the version of fedora core (fc4) I'm using.

I can record programs fine. I can view them with xine. Just the playback
giving me some issues.

I realize that those of you in the know will need more information than
I've provided, so please let me know what you  need from me.

Thank you


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