Nada De nada wrote:

  I have bee follwing all the instructions by Jarod to
install MythTV on FC4.. everything seemed to be going
great until i got this problem. In the mythtv-setu I
used the default infor for IP address and ports but I
am getting this error when I try to run backend
 i would appreciate any info about this problem


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ mythbackend & [1] 23143
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ 2005-09-21 10:53:56.258 New DB
connection, total: 1
Starting up as the master server.
2005-09-21 10:53:56.275 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-09-21 10:53:56.294 New DB scheduler connection
2005-09-21 10:53:56.300 New DB connection, total: 3
2005-09-21 10:53:56.306 mythbackend version:
2005-09-21 10:53:56.306 Enabled verbose msgs :
important general
QServerSocket: failed to bind or listen to the socket
Failed to bind port: 6543

Bind errors are *almost* always because the port is already
being used.  Do "netstat -l -n | grep 6543" and see if it
shows up.  If so, some other software (or another copy of
mythbackend) is using it.

Michael J. Lynch

What if the hokey pokey IS what it's all about -- author unknown

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