On 21/09/05, Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> total Myth TV newbie here, having some problems with the EPG.
> I've successfully set up MythTV and the Web Front End, and can happily
> watch all of the Freeview channels in 'LiveTV' mode and record *some*
> programs (others fail, but I suspect that is due to the main problem).
> However, I'm having some problems grabbing the data for the EPG.
> Initially I set up a standard XMLTV grab, and that was *partially*
> successful. I say partial, as it only grabbed the data for a few
> channels.
> Whilst looking for a solution I came across the tv_grab_dvb program. And
> followed the instructions on
> http://www.ethics-gradient.net/myth/mythdvb2.html
> Sadly, this didn't seem to work. I successfully get an xml file full of
> tv program data, but when I pipe the output into mythfilldatabase, it
> doesn't add that data to the guide (there is also an issue of duplicate
> channel id's - its seems to think that both cbeebies and UK TV History
> have an id of 402!)
> I think that the problem is something to do with channel id's not
> matching up in my chanidents file and the channel table in the db, but I
> am having no luck in finding a solution.
> Is anybody out there using tv_grab_dvb to capture data from the Crystal
> Palace transmitter? And if so, would it be possible for them to send me
> a dump of their channel, dvb_channel, and dvb_pids tables? I realise
> that there is one on the site above, but I think it is out of date as
> there are some channels missing.
> I think that I'd also need a copy of your channels.conf and chanidents
> files as well?
> Alternatively, if there's any other advice you could give as to how to
> solve this problem, please let me know. I can happily find my way around
> Mysql and the mythconverg db and dump the data here if that would help.
> Many thanks in advance
> Neil


Please mail me your channels table from the MythTV database. I use
tv_grab_dvb to get my radio listings and would be happy to try and get
you up and running. The fact that you can watch the channels in LiveTV
makes me believe most of the underlying DVB setup is correct, but
there are a couple of issues stopping the recordings and listings
import working.

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