On 22-Sep-05, at 1:19 AM, Kevin Kuphal wrote:

I just purchased a Chaintech MPM800-3 motherboard for use as a frontend. It has a PM800 Unichrome chipset that supports XvMC. If I compile my frontend with XvMC support, will it be used only for MPEG-2 content or will I be using it for all playback (and have the greyscale OSD) including MPEG-4 (which all my recordings currently are).

In my setup it's only used for mpeg-2 but I forget if that's the way it is or if there's something I haven't upgraded yet. In any case, besides enabling xvmc in the frontend you need a recent version of drm for via, more recent than what's shipping in any of the kernels. I'm running 2.6.12 and it came with dri 2.2.3 for via but that's too old, upgrading to 2.6.3 fixed me up.

Head over to dri.sf.net and follow their somewhat convoluted directions for retrieving the 2d drivers from cvs and building.

- George

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