Craig Tinson wrote:

Franco wrote:


last evening my friends came to my place and we connected their PlayStation to my MythBox via the SCART connector
of the PVR 350.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to play the games as there
was a noticeable delay between actions on the PS2 and
actual images on the screen.

don't think so in myth.. but could use mplayer

mplayer -fs < /dev/video0

or similar - might need a -vo in there

that'll just display whats coming in through the 350 I would imagine



Unfortunatelly the hardware encoder (also the decoder) have a delay of 1.5 to 2 secs. So IIRC you will always have this delay if you get the video from /dev/video0. But IIRC (again ;) ) there was another Videodevice provided by the ivtv-driver (/dev/video32 or 48; don't know exactly) that did direct pass-through with nearly zero-delay. You can try to watch this via mplayer. Maybe it works better. Anyone who knows better should correct me. I really don't know, if I remeber this correctly...


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