On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 03:15:25PM +0100, Craig Tinson wrote:
> am not an expert on this.. but couldn't you just use irexec to send 
> half-a-dozen ESC keys? no matter where you are in myth that should take 
> you to the close screen? not exactly pretty but should do what your 
> asking.. and you can still press the OK to confirm

Try pressing ESC half a dozen times...  Once you get to the shutdown
confirmation, ESC cancels the shutdown.  So this would have a 50/50
chance of working, depending on how deep you are in the Myth menus.
(Although you could set it to send an odd number of ESCs, so that if
it left you at the main menu the first time, you can hit it a second
time and it will...)

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