Hi All,


I am pretty new to all of this so bare with me.


I am looking for a way to set up my home PC network so that PC can view digital cable channels directly and channels can be recorded and played back later. So far I can see two ways of doing this – using a standard PCI card in a PC (such as the TechnoTrend Premium DVB-C 2.1 (C2100) or the newer C2300), or with the use of a DBox 2 (or possible a DreamBox?). Unbelievably, getting hold of a DBox seem to be the cheaper option and from what I can gather it would be possible to stream and capture a digital channel from the DBox and control it from a PC on the network. Obviously, only one channel per tuner (either PCI card or DBox) can be view/recorded at any one time.


Is this the kind of thing MythTV will enable me to do? Will this enable a multicast setup – i.e. can many PC’s view a stream at once or is this a one at a time operation? So far, I am a Windows user and although I dabbled with Linux many years ago, there was no real incentive for me to stick with it. Is there a way Windows PC could be used? Obviously, the DBox would also allow direct viewing on to a TV screen via SCART as well networked operation, but are there any disadvantages to using a DBox over a PCI card in a PC? What about the use of a cable DreamBox – I know they are more expensive but they also have a 100Mbit network port rather than the 10Mbit port of the DBox.


As said, I very new to all of this and I am trying to read as much info as I can on the DBox’s but the majority of it is in German (which I don’t speak or read) and even translation tools aren’t that wonderful for a lot of the technical babble, so I glad at least MythTV is in English!


I hope some of the question can be answered, many thanks.






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