I have just added a DVB-S card to my myth system, to replace an external satellite receiver pointing to IntelSat-Americas 5.

OS drivers load fine, scan discovered the channels, szap tuning works fine, and I can view the FTA (free-to-air) channel with mplayer looking at the TS stream on /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0

Running mythtvsetup, and configuring it for the DVB card, then in the Channel Edit section, I setup a transport for the transponder I want, and do a channel scan: this find all the fta channels just fine, and seems to populate them into the database.

When I next run myth, I see the new fta channels in the guide, but I cannot switch to them in Live TV, or setup recordings.

In the backend log, I see the following error:
   DVB#0 WARNING - Unsupported fec_inner parameter.
followed by messages that seem to indicate a transponder lock (ie proper tuning):
   DVB#0 Status: LOCK.
   DVB#0 Multiplex Locked
   DVB#0 Successfully tuned to channel 153.

Also, the database tables that seem to relate to dvb (dvb_channel,dvb_pids,dvb_sat,dvb_signal_quality) are all emtpy!

What am I missing here? How do I get the tables properly populated? (ie why does the channel scan not fill these?)

Or does the atrpms version not support DVB ? (I'm running 0.18.1-114, x86_64) Ie. should I recompile?

Thanks in advance,


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