Jochen Kühner wrote:
On my Client, wich is no Slave Backend, no shutdown is aviable in the menu!
Maybe in the Database it is set to a slave backend, where is that setting??
What shutdown command is used by the menu? because im not using init, i use initng, can it be changed??

Are you referring to the Mythtv menu?  That's an "exit"
Maybe you are referring to the KDE/Gnome/whathaveyou menu?

If you want to shutdown from the terminal, as root you can use:

# halt after shutdown
/sbin/shutdown -h now

#reboot after shutdown
/sbin/shutdown -r now

see man shutdown
you can sub a time for "now". Again, see man shutdown for the options

there is:  halt, reboot, poweroff

see man reboot for more info

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