I was going to pull out my 80GB drive and put in a 180 that I have it. I don't (yet) care about losing my recorded shows so I thought I'd delete the recorded shows in Myth, then swap the drives. I found that once I deleted the recorded shows in Myth, I still had about 20GB of video still in the Myth directory! They looked like shows I thought I deleted.. Sure enough, Myth said they were gone, but there they were...

Is there a known problem where Myth doesn't delete what it thinks it does? That would account for lost disk space.

> I started out with 150GB of disk space, but I recently increased that to > 300GB. Problem is, the machine information under mythweb is still reporting > the old disk limit (150), not the new limit (300). I looked throught the > mysql database but was unable to find anything that suggests this number is
> stored in the DB.
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