I posted a few days ago about creating a CD Library Plug-in, specifically for my DC-300. I’ve successfully reverse engineered the USB protocol and have a working command line utility for changing library disks. So this got me thinking about my proposed plug-in.


I’m creating a CD-Library plug-in for mythtv with the following features:


1)       A list of CD’s, DVD’s, Xbox games. I’m hoping to make it have a tree like interface similar to MythMusic for navigating categories.

2)       The ability to “Select” a disk from the list and have a customizable shell script/command run with the device id and disk id of the disk selected. This would allow support for additional libraries. There are several SCSI and USB type external CD/DVD libraries around. This would let you use em, for example you could create a shell script that includes a xine call to play a DVD if your library has a reader.

3)       The ability to “Check Out” a disk. Basically a lend function to lend a specific disk to people (configurable)

4)       The ability to “Check In” a disk. A return function.

5)       A recognize feature, leverage the CDDB and IMDB code to try and recognize a disk in the drive for addition to the library.


If there is any interest in this, or you have feature idea’s/requests please feel free to discuss here or email me directly.


I will find someplace to post the completed V1 of the plugin. I expect to have a working V1 sometime in the next few weeks (my first plugin, I’m going thru mythdvd for hints).





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