My backend has been having problems locking up lately.  Which means I have had to hard reboot it.  Now on the frontend, whenever I try and fast forward through commercials, I get major pixelation.  The time on the OSD also seems to be moving slower than it normally does on a 20x FF.  These are the specs on my BE:

Athlon 2600+
768MB DDR (diff speeds on 3 sticks)
ATI Radeon 7000 AGP (not sure of driver level)
80GB OS Drive (LiveTV Buffer lives on this drive)
3 x 120GB LVM drives (Recording / Videos Live here)
1 x PVR-350
1 x PVR-250

I followed Jarod's guide for FC3.  The rig hasn't had any FF problems in the past.  I think it might be some file system problems.  Has anyone seen a problem like this?   Do I need to run an FSCHK on the drive?  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!!

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