I am having a problem trying to navigate through the setup.  For example, in mythtv-setup, I am able to move to the desired fields using arrows and tabs, but not able to use any pull-down menus.  Is there a way to do any or all of the following:
1. Use a mouse in the MythTV user and setup menus?
2. Use a dual screen setup, where I can do the stuff on the monitor and watch the TV on the TV.  Alternately, can I at least get the non-graphical terminal on the monitor?  Right, it boots on the monitor and switches to the TV and that is very hard to read.  On the monitor all I see is a blinking cursor.
3.  Can I set up a telnet server on the myth box?  If so, how.
One other thing, I once helped someone else when they were setting up myth, and I remember there was some configuration to change the screen sizes so parts of it would not be cut off.  Where can I change that?  I have not been able to find it since.
I am newbie, so apt-get install is about as far as I can go for install issues unless there is a step-by-step procedure for the task.
Any help welcome,
Anil Gupte
k.e.e.n., inc.
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Pune, MH, India


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