On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 10:02:12PM -0400, Robert Tsai wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 08:42:49PM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > Yes, agreed!  More often than not, I start playback with the
> > sequence enter (to tell it to play the program),
> > a-right-right-right-right (to set playback at 1.20x normal speed),
> > escape (to clear the OSD). Being able to have it come up already at
> > 1.2x would make things a bit more streamlined.
> > 
> > Also on the topic of defaults, is there any way to do a per-channel
> > default setting for post-processing (specifically commercial
> > autodetect)?  Commercial detection is a wonderful thing, but I have
> > a couple stations which don't run mid-program commercials, so
> > running commercial detection on them seems like a bit of a waste.
> > It would be nice if I didn't have to go and turn it off individually
> > for each program I request to be recorded from those stations.
> Both commflagging and playback-time-stretch can be configured when you
> schedule the recording (at least in SVN, if not in some .18-x
> release).

I'm using 0.18.1 rather than svn and it does allow for turning
commflagging, at least, off when the recording is scheduled.
However, I (and I believe Larry) was talking about configuring
*defaults* for them, so that if I set up 20 recordings I don't have
to go in and set the time stretch 20 times.  Does svn allow for a
non-1.0x default?

(And thanks, Bolek, for the info on marking channels as commercial-
free in mythweb.  Guess I need to get around to figuring out how the
plugins work and setting some of them up...)

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