Around about 26/09/05 12:45, Phill Edwards typed ...
You're a legend, sir! That works a treat now. Stupid Nokia phones....
Thanks heaps for your help - I would never have sussed that out.

I think I resorted to ethereal to suss it, can't remember. As it happens, I've recently upgraded to FC4 and that patch had gone on my box when I just logged in to verify it (before answering), and yet it's still working for me, so my shiny new Nokia 6680 does actually cope with the REFRESH OK.

My previous 7610 (I think that was the no.) never worked right anyway as (I think) Orange filtered the data into 64Kb chunks ['knowing' I had limited HTML space] and I just kept getting 'too big' errors even though I'd cleared up loads of space. SO I gave up and got the new one (which, to be honest, I really only did to be able to remote-Myth).

You may well need to patch the WAP mythweb theme (linked to recently on the list) as the 1.18.1-shipped one won't bring up individual progs. in the listings correctly (get null data), or at least didn't for me.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# rm -f .signature
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
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