Around about 26/09/05 12:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed ...
Does anyone know where I might be able to download a copy, or someone who might be able to burn a copy (I'll furnish a dvd-r)? Thanks.

Where are you? I'm guessing the US, so I'm pretty flabbergasted that there's no immediate repeat. Over here in the UK, we got DH 4-6 times a week (6-8 if you count the +1 channels) (and that was *first* time around, season 1's running again ATM).

It'd be a turn up for the books if the UK's finally overtaken the US in the repeats stakes :-/

Actually, that's one reason I've still only got one video card [PVR-350]. I record a fair bit, and I've had *one* clash that meant I had to resort to my VCR since I started using Myth in February! Everrthing seems to get show so many times that one clash is easily [automatically by Myth] worked around by using later showings.

I keep expecting to wnt to set up a 2nd (DVB) card, but ... just haven't needed one.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# rm -f .signature
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
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