On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 09:49 -0400, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:

I wanted to record all shows starring a particular
actress.  I searched imdb.com for the actress'
name and got a listing for 20 movies and 31 TV
shows.  I thought it would be cool to incorportate
something like this into TVWish or even MYthTV itself.
Although I'm not quite sure how it could be

This is already in MythTV.

Go to Manage Recordings->Schedule Recordings->Search Words->People

Type in somebody's name and hit OK.  It will show you all the upcoming shows they are in.  In most cases it will even list guest starring roles.  Use a % as a wildcard, for example my wife is an Anthony Stewart Head fan, sometimes he is credited with the middle name and sometimes he isn't so I use Anthony%Head and that covers all possibilities.

Once you have the search as you want it, go back to the People list, select the one you want and click "Record".  Set it to "any time, any channel" and it will automatically record everything with that person in it.

IMDB is never used, this information is all in the listings.

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