On 9/27/05, Anil Gupte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have an interesting problem.  When I select "Watch TV"  I see a Program Guide which is ghosted/overlaid on the live TV.  After a few seconds, the PG disappears and I can see the video clearly.  However, when I try to change the channel, the program guide appears and I can scroll through it - as if it is in the record programs menu.  If I choose a program it appears to switch to that menu. 
Earlier, before I had rebooted the system, I could not change the channel at all.  I have not yet configured my remote - I am just using my keyboard.
Any suggestions, please?

It sounds like you have the "Show the program guide when starting Live TV" option set.  It's found in the Program Guide section of the TV settings.

Carl Fongheiser

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