I found on the net somewhere some setting for recording from a pvr250 into dvd type format. It records great and the file size is about 2.2G for every hour which is about what I expected. If I try to use dvdauthor it gives me all kinds of errors about the VOB format. No big deal I'll just use nuvexport with the dvd option (I want to get rid of the commercials anyways). The file that nuvexport spits out is only 950 Megs. I'm using all the defaults since I'm not familure with dvd that much. I'm wondering why the file is less than half the size as the original? Should I increase the VBR and will it make much difference in the final quality that much. Or should I just be happy with the smaller file and put more on a single dvd?

File is smaller because it gets reencoded (and if you chose to, the commercials were removed). Increasing the VBR would work, as well as turning down the quantisation level (smaller == better).

You *can* get ivtv recordings directly onto dvd if you demux/remux them, but I hear there are issues with ivtv (or the card, I don't know which) tossing in weird blank frames every once in awhile when something can't be encoded. If you don't have any, the recording makes a great dvd, but if you do, then you end up with AV sync issues when playing back on some/most dvd players.. (I don't know how to do this. I think that archiving to dvd-video is a waste of a dvd when I can fit 27 half-hour xvid episodes on a dvd and watch them with mythvideo)

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