Replying to myself...

Problem solved.  It turns  out that I didn't transfer my DisplaySize
setting to the new Monitor section in my xorg.conf.  After doing that
it appears to be working very well.

FWIW, I just added:

DisplaySize 225 170

to the Section "Monitor" for the component video monitor, which is
what I was using with the svideo connection.


On 10/1/05, Brian Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an VIA EPIA/Unicrome based frontend that works fairly well
> using an svideo connection to a HDTV capable tube TV.  I recently
> decided to try a VGA-component converter to try to improve the video
> quality.   I only watch SDTV, so I'm trying to get it working at 480p.
>  So far, the GUI looks great, and the video quality is very good.  The
> problem is that, while the GUI appears to be overscanned about the
> same as it was using the svideo connection, video appears to be
> underscanned in the horizontal direction.
> I've played with every setting that I know of to no avail.  Does
> anybody know what could be causing this and possibly how to fix it?
> There are setting that will allow me to shrink the picture
> horizontally, but I can't grow it, so it appears that the video mode
> is different between the GUI and video.  I have not set any of the
> options that would allow different video modes, so I don't understand
> what is happening. FWIW, I'm recording at 720x480, which should match
> the screen resolution, so there should be no scaling.
> This is my modeline setting:
>         Modeline "480p"  28.698 720 760 824 912 480 484 492 525

Brian Webb
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