> Hey guys,
> I'm hunting everywhere for how to integrate MythTV and my VFD.  Does myth
> just see that LCDd is running automatically?  All the posts/documentation
> I've read never really go into how they talk to one another.
> Also, I can't seem to get my particular VFD to function with LCDd.
> Everything works perfect when hooked to COM1, I can do:
> echo -ne "\nTest" > /dev/ttyS0
> and it comes up and stays on screen.  (The \n just clears the screen as
> it's a 16x1 screen).  My attempts with LCDd thus far have been using the
> HD44780 driver with Port commented out in the conf and Device=/dev/ttyS0.
> No errors are reported from LCDd or lcdproc, but the display never
> changes.
> Since I can just echo to the port, do I even need LCDproc?  Any help would
> be appreciated.

Sounds to me like you haven't loaded the correct driver for lcdproc. You
say it works by sending stuff to /dev/ttyS0 but the HD44780 driver is for
the parallel port. Time to RTFM I think...

Test by running up LCDd and then lcdproc which should show time-of-day,
CPU load and similar stuff.

Robin Gilks

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