Dewey Smolka wrote:

I was a bit curious though when you mentioned businesses selling
pre-built Myth systems and Myth accessories. I've seen systems for
sale on ebay and such, and have seen some pretty poorly disguised Myth
systems sold through dodgy web sites, but am unaware of any
(legitimate) company making a real go at it.

Selling and servicing Myth systems is something I've had in mind for a
while, but I've been put off by a number of concerns. One of the
larger problems -- program data -- has been addressed by LxM, but I'm
still terrified of running into IP issues.

Namely, whatever my opinion, DMCA is Federal Law here in the Land of
the Free (TM), and Myth is full of potential violations. Yes, I know
it's ridiculous, but there's no way (that I'm aware of, at least) to
play DVDs, archive DVDs, play or achive copy-protected non-CDs, or
record protected broadcast content on Linux without violating this
law. In addition, because of the recent Grokster decision, a seller of
Myth could potentially be held liable if someone records a TV show
with a Myth and then sticks it on the internet.

MythiC.TV sels a pre installed system they call Dragon, link to it here:

While much of this is specific to the US, I'm just wonderin g if you
know how people are getting around this or protecting themselves from
it. I have absolute confidence that Myth would win if these things
were ever tried in court, but I don't have the time or money to be the
test case.

As you sayed most of the problems you mention are only a problem in US, many other places around the world have specific rules permitting backup copying of software/movies/music for
personal use.

Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble on at you, but just to congratulate
you on a job well done.
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