
Thanks -- that did the trick!


Chris Pinkham wrote:
When I run "nuvexport", it says that I have more episodes of "The Daily
Show" than are shown by either mythfrontend or mythweb.

Mythfrontend and mythweb show four episodes, but nuvexport reports a total
of six; the other two are from months ago.

What is the best way to get those two ghost episodes out of the database?

These are probably stuck around from an instance when Myth was
deleting a recording but for some reason never finished so the
deletepending flag in the recorded table is still set for these
recordings so the frontend and mythweb don't show them.  You can
fix this by running the following SQL command:

update recorded set deletepending = 0;

You can run this from the command line using something like this:

echo "update recorded set deletepending = 0;" | mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg

Might have to put a "-h YOUR_DATABASE_SERVER_HOSTNAME" in there if you
run it from somewhere other than the DB server.

Once you run the SQL command, the recordings should show up in mythfrontend
and mythweb and you can (re)delete them for good if you're running a recent
version of Myth.  You might have to touch the recording file if Myth
complains about the file not existing (see the backend logs).  If it does
and you can't delete the recording, look at the filename in the backend
log and "touch" the file like this:

touch /var/mythtv/1066_20050920160000_20050920170000.nuv

Then you should be able to delete the recording since you now have a
"fake" recording file which Myth will happily delete for you.

Both of these situations are fixed in the current source, the frontend and
mythweb will display recordings that have this flag still set if the flag
was set more than 5 minutes ago (indicating the delete failed for some
reason like a backend restart, etc.).

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