Lee wrote:

There was a recent lengthy (and somewhat heated) thread in the dev list
about this.  The technical reason for the delay is because the system
has to do the following things when changing a channel on "Live TV":

1) Tune the channel.
2) Start encoding the feed.
3) Store the file.
4) Decode the file.

Each of these steps takes a little time. If you don't do them, you lost
the ability to pause or rewind Live TV, which is one of the sexy things
about a PVR.

I agree with all of this but, part of this problem is the perception that it takes a long time... On my Tivo, using an external DVB-T box, the channel change takes about the same time as the Mythbox but the Tivo/DVB-T have something happening on the screen all the the time,
which makes it seem faster...
I.e if Myth got on with changing the channel, but 1 second into the process it popped up 'Changing channel' message on the OSD and then another 1 second later, it popped up
'To Extreme Sports'... the delay would seem much shorter...
As opposed to the screen just freezing, sitting there for what seems like an eon, before
suddenly changing channel...


Absolutely! That's exactly it. The thing about beos was that although it wasn't actually much faster than any other operating system, the UI thread had quite a high priority. This meant that it never felt like the machine itself was sluggish, and made it far easier to accept that certain actions took a few seconds.
Just purely an onscreen message and would make myth seem far more fluid.

If I get some time I may have a look at the source and see how tricky this is going to be.

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