On 10/5/05, Mark Linford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, after following Jarod's Fedora guide (excellent, btw), I've gotten
a rudimentary MythTV box up and running. However, I'm now at the point
where I want to go from my monitor out to my TV/component outs, and I'm
having a heck of a time with X trying to make it work. Here's my setup:

* Fedora Core 4
* Gigabyte 6200-based video card, w/component-out breakout box
* Latest (7676) nVidia drivers
* Dell 2405W monitor (hooked up to its component-inputs) for testing,
though eventually I want to hook it up to my projector in my media room
I'm running FC3 but have the same card connected by component to an RCA HDTV.
Here is the xorg.conf (in part) that I use:

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Monitor0"
        VendorName   "RCA"
        ModelName    "HD52W59"
        HorizSync    30.0 - 34.0
        VertRefresh  48.0 - 67.0
        ModeLine     "1080i-59.94" 74.176 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 1125 Interlace
        ModeLine     "720p-59.94" 26.9 720 760 816 856 480 482 488 525
        ModeLine     "480p-59.94" 23.9 640 664 736 760 480 482 488 525
        Option      "dpms"

Section "Device"
        Option      "NvAGP" "3"
        # imput standards allowed by monitor and card
        Option      "TVStandard" "HD480p"
#       Option      "TVStandard" "HD720p"  # can't get this one to work at all
#       Option      "TVStandard" "HD1080i"
        # force card to use svideo dongle
        Option      "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO"
        Option      "TVOverScan" "0.0"
        # for svideo with dongle
        Option      "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"
        Option      "NoDDC"
        Identifier  "Videocard0"
        Driver      "nvidia"
        VendorName  "Gigabyte"
        BoardName   "nVidia GeForce 6200"
        BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Screen0"
        Device     "Videocard0"
        Monitor    "Monitor0"
        DefaultDepth     24
        SubSection "Display"
                Viewport   0 0
                Depth     24
#               Virtual 1920 1080
                Modes    "1080i-59.94" "720p-59.94" "480p-59.94"

In 1080i I can't view content, and 720p is way overscanned, but usable. 720p is supposed to be supported by my TV, but I get a really wierd screen - 800x600 floating in the middle of a 1920x1080 field, but three (very narrow) frames side by side. Color is distorted too.

I can record and view, but not watch tv live - but I think that is ivtv.

--Thom Sturgill
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