
I'm just testing the "new" mythrename script but it seems to fail if
the titles contain non-ASCII characters. The frontend just tells me
"The file for this recording can not be found" when I try to watch it.
It's possible to press U on the recording to see all the information
about the file, so it seems there are only a few parts of myth which
don't understand the wrongly converted characters.

"Sandmännchen" appears without the umlaut in mysql but it looks ok
("Sandmännchen") in the recording list (so the UTF8 characters are
converted by myth).
After using MythRename the files also contain the unconverted
characters and the frontend shows me then:
2005-10-05 21:09:46.176 Error: File '/big/myth/record/Unser
SandmÀnnchen - 2005-09-20, 6-48 AM.mpg' missing.
But when use ls or file on the file name which the frontend isn't able
to find everything's fine:

$ file '/big/myth/record/Unser SandmÀnnchen - 2005-09-20, 6-48 AM.mpg'
/big/myth/record/Unser SandmÀnnchen - 2005-09-20, 6-48 AM.mpg: MPEG
transport stream data

How can I fix it?


PS: Is there a way to rename recordings within the frontend? I've lost
the db entries for lots of recordings and they're all now called
unknown - unknown....
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