MythTV can be made to fit by using the GUI X/Y size
and displacement options.  Other applications need to
support something similar, or they will run off of the
screen.  Alternatively, you can try to use a window
manager that will pad windows and make them fit, but
this may cause some problems (I was doing this with
ratpoison, only to find out that while my windows fit
the screen, I sometimes ended up with black borders
around my TV/recorings).

Sounds like you're using Xv instead of the MPEG-2
decoder.  The Xv support requires that some MPEG-2 be
played through the MPEG-2 decoder before it will work
(I do it in rc.local).  Otherwise you will get a still
picture of garbage.

-- Joe

--- Christopher Sink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all. I've searched for answers for these two
> issues but am still
> unclear what's causing them or what to do about
> them. I've followed
> the Fedora Myth(TV)ology but have obviously missed
> something. Any
> advice would be appreciated:
> - TV output (X) appears larger than TV screen. Parts
> of the desktop
> and mythtv interface are cut off around the edges.
> How do I make it
> fit?
> - All X11 graphics to the TV appears correct except
> when I try to view
> a DVD or watch live TV. All I see is scrambled,
> motionless garbage.
> Any thoughts/suggestions?
> I'm running Fedora Core 4 with capture and vid out
> done on a PVR-350.
> Thanks.
> Christopher
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