Here's a problem I've been having on my Myth box for the last couple of

Every few days, even though I have about 100GB of disk space, and
auto-expire is set to "none", a lot of my recordings (sometimes all of
them) will get deleted.  Not only that, but the box suddenly think it
has recording schedules for programs which I had never set up to
record. (like Full House reruns, or worse).

I'm currently running SVN from over the weekend.  It also happened with
.18.1.  I tried dropping the mythconverg database completely, and the
problem came back after a few days.  I tried reformatting and
reinstalling everything, and the problem came back (after a couple

Have I stumbled across a magical combination?  Has anyone else seen

Most importantly, does anyone have the slightest clue on how I'd go
about fixing this?
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