Brad Benson wrote:
On 10/7/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does comcast charge a DVR fee on top of the box charge?

No, I don't believe they do - just the $10/month for the DVR box. 

One other thing I forgot to mention about the craptasticness of the Comcast HD-DVR:

It apparently also requires a box at the head-end to function correctly.  Last week the cable was out at my sister's place for about 2 hours.  So we figured no big deal, we'll just watch something that's already recorded. NOPE.  Turn on the TV and DVR and what do we see?  A dialog box in the middle of the screen that says "This channel should be available shortly".  No keypresses on the remote or front of the DVR had any effect whatsoever.  I couldn't even see what had been recorded, let alone watch anything.  If the DVR doesn't work when the cable is out, doesn't that effectively remove one of the best features of the system?  That's just retarded if you ask me.

_______________________________________________ mythtv-users mailing list
And they wonder why we are ready take up arms over the fact that HD is being locked down to a point that we will not be able to build our own DVRs to manage our media.  The only way for the consumer's needs will be considered is if the consumer builds the solution.


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