On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 11:40:00AM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> As a test I jsut switched video storage to my local drive and ran a 30
> minute test run recording two programs. Both programs came out 29:55
> second, basically perfect.
> One difference I noted was while running this test top said that I was
> 98% idle. Sounds great. While running an identical 30 minute test
> storing on my NFS drive top said I was 98% 'waiting'.
> I think my problem resides somewhere in the NFS system. I also note
> looking at the output of ifconfig that both the backend side and the
> NFS server are logging thousand up thousand 'collisions'. I need to
> fix that next.

Use NFS3, and play with increased rsize and wsize blocks. That makes
a big difference, *as long* as you have a clean full-duplex network.


 >> Tim Sailer                      ><  Coastal Internet, Inc.         <<
 >> Network and Systems Operations  ><  PO Box 726                     <<
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