Michael Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've looked on the list and there doesn't seem to be any good (translate
> useful) information out there on this.
> I'm trying to create a set of global playlists for mythmusic.   When I
> create a playlist on my main machine (the backend/Frontend) the database
> tags it with the name of that machine.  None of the other machines can see
> it.
> If I go into the database and edit the field to the name of the frontend,
> the playlist becomes available on that frontend.
> If I change it to Null, it doesn't show up anywhere.
> If I change it to * it doesn't show up anywhere..
> Any ideas on one or more of the following:
> 1) Creating a playlist from the GUI  that will show up on ALL frontends
> 2) Editing the field that assigns the playlist to a particular frontend
> to something that will make it show on all frontends.

When listing or reading playlists, the code as is does a database query
whose match parameters includs the hostname of the machine the frontend
is running on, so there's really nothing you can do without changing
the code.

I am kind of cheating with this, but I just changed the code for reading
playlists to never check the hostname.

The other possibility is to change the code to support a "Global"
playlist setting like a "NULL" or "*" filename which you could either
set in the playlist interface when creating or editing one.

Personally, I think playlists:
  --  Shouldn't be attached to a particular machine (what is the point of
        having multiple "shared" MythTV systems if only to have them not
        see anything from each other??  even if it's all stored in the
        same database!).
  --  Maybe shouldn't be in the database at all...  I'm considering
        changing playlists to be read from "m3u" files, that way I can
        import my large music collection and not have to worry about the
        MythTV database ever getting corrupted.

    Erich Stefan Boleyn     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     http://www.uruk.org/
"Reality is truly stranger than fiction; Probably why fiction is so popular"
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