On October 9, 2005 06:42 pm, Derek Battams wrote:
> Quoting Bruce Markey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Derek Battams wrote:
> >> The reason I started tackling this was that I needed a rather
> >> complicated search rule for Jon Stewart and realized that power
> >> search would be nice to have via the web.  This is the rule I need:
> >>
> >> program.title = "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" AND
> >> ((DAYOFWEEK(program.starttime) >= 2 AND DAYOFWEEK(program.starttime)
> >> <= 5 AND (HOUR(program.starttime) = 23 OR HOUR(program.starttime) =
> >> 0)) OR (DAYOFWEEK(program.starttime) = 6 AND HOUR(program.starttime)
> >> = 0))
> >
> > TDS has always presented some interesting challenges.
> >
> > - New episodes are shown Mon-Thur at 11pm.
> >
> > - Repeated at 1am, 10am and 7 or 8pm the next day.
> >
> > - Specific episodes have the guest listed in the subtitle with
> > a unique programid and an originalairdate.
> >
> > - "Generic episodes" have:
> >
> >    description: A humorous slant on top news stories.
> >      programid: SH2930530000
> > originalairdate: 1999-01-11
> >
> > - Often the day's episode is followed by a repeat of the previous
> > day's episode on the half hour.
> >
> > - On any given day, the second week away has all generic episodes
> > listed but the guest and programid will be filled in by the day
> > the show airs.
> >
> > - Often they do not have the guest list in place by the time data
> > is grabbed for Monday but the data for the week will be available
> > by Tuesday.
> >
> > - Therefore Monday's generic episode may be a new show but other
> > than that, generics are usually repeats.
> >
> > I have 25 kPowerSearch rules but none are for TDS. First, I know
> > that I will never have enough shows higher in priority than TDS
> > to fill all my cards so I know that TDS will always 'win' the 11pm
> > time slot. I know I want to record even generics on Monday but
> > only new episodes for the rest of the week.
> >
> > So, I have a kWeekslotRecord on Monday with normal duplicate matching.
> > This will record a new or generic episode but will not record a
> > specific episode that was previously recorded. I then add another
> > rule that is a kTimeslotRecord with "Record new episodes only". This
> > will not record generics or anything more than 14 days old. If Monday
> > is generic and turns out to be a repeat, the rest of the week's
> > generics will be repeats.
> >
> > This has worked well every since they started including episode info
> > about the time that John Edwards announced his candidacy on the show.
> >
> > Some notes on your rule that you may want to consider or discard.
> >
> >> program.title = "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart"
> >
> > Obviously okay but they sometimes have things like "Indecision 2008:
> > A Daily Show Report"
> >
> > program.title LIKE "%Daily Show%" might catch these.
> >
> >> AND ((DAYOFWEEK(program.starttime) >= 2
> >> AND DAYOFWEEK(program.starttime) <= 5
> >
> > TDS is only shown at 11pm on Mon-Thurs and never on Fri, Sat or Sun
> > so this doesn't buy you much.
> >
> >> AND (HOUR(program.starttime) = 23 OR HOUR(program.starttime) = 0))
> >> OR (DAYOFWEEK(program.starttime) = 6 AND HOUR(program.starttime) =
> >> 0))
> >
> > In the Pacific timezone, the first rerun is at 1am. I've never seem TDS
> > at 12:00 or 12:30. HOUR == 23 matches any start time from 11:00 thru
> > 11:59 and will therefore match the 11:30 showing of the previous day's
> > show. However, "MINUTE(program.starttime) = 0" would only match the
> > showings at the top of the hour and exclude the repeats at half past(!).
> >
> > One might think that kFindDailyRecord was invented for TDS but it was
> > for NewsNight with Aaron Brown and a daily NASCAR show with multiple
> > generic repeats. TDS is not a good find daily because of the half past
> > repeats and the Friday thru Sunday repeats.
> >
> > So, here is a complicated ;-) rule to grab either the first or second
> > showing accepting generics on Mon evening but not the rest of the week.
> >
> > program.title LIKE "%Daily Show%"
> > AND MINUTE(program.starttime) = 0
> > AND HOUR(DATE_SUB(program.starttime, INTERVAL 2 HOUR)) > 20
> > AND WEEKDAY(DATE_SUB(program.starttime, INTERVAL 2 HOUR)) < 4
> > AND (WEEKDAY(DATE_SUB(program.starttime, INTERVAL 2 HOUR)) = 0
> >     OR program.previouslyshown = 0)
> >
> > Any "Daily Show" title, on the hour, whose start time minus two is
> > in the evening of Monday through Thursday with generics accepted on
> > Monday but must be new episodes for the rest of the week.
> >
> > Way too complicated =) but definitive.
> >
> > +---------------------+---------------------------------+---------------+
> >
> > | starttime           | title                           | subtitle      |
> >
> > +---------------------+---------------------------------+---------------+
> >
> > | 2005-10-10 23:00:00 | The Daily Show With Jon Stewart |               |
> > | 2005-10-11 01:00:00 | The Daily Show With Jon Stewart |               |
> > | 2005-10-17 23:00:00 | The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Dolly Parton  |
> > | 2005-10-18 01:00:00 | The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Dolly Parton  |
> > | 2005-10-18 23:00:00 | The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Bill O'Reilly |
> > | 2005-10-19 01:00:00 | The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Bill O'Reilly |
> > | 2005-10-19 23:00:00 | The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Louis Freeh   |
> > | 2005-10-20 01:00:00 | The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Louis Freeh   |
> >
> > +---------------------+---------------------------------+---------------+
> >
> > I'm sticking with a a weekslot 11pm Mon and a timeslot for 11pm with
> > new episodes only.
> >
> > --  bjm
> Ah, but in Canada, TDS is aired at 11pm on the Comedy Network and at
> midnight (actually 12:05) on CTV.  The Comedy Network also airs repeats
> at all times of the day, every day of the week, including Saturday and
> Sunday and the repeats aren't necessarily repeats of the most recent
> airing.  Sometimes the listings have specifics for the new episodes,
> sometimes not.  For example, last week my listings just showed the
> generic info for every day even though they were all new episodes.  I
> suspect that since Comedy Central in the US is so late to provide the
> info that the Canadian networks give it if they get it or don't bother
> if they don't.  So since I can't trust the listings, I just want to
> ensure I record one airing at 11pm or 12am every Mon-Thu, which is why
> I have the rule above and select "Find One Daily" as the recording
> type.  I bunch the Comedy Netowrk and CTV airings together just to give
> the schedule a few options in case of conflicts.  Since the listings
> can't be trusted, I simply have to watch the intro of each recording to
> determine if it's a rerun.  If Monday's a rerun then the whole week is
> and I can override the remainder of the week.  Though I will update the
> title to a LIKE clause as you suggested, I think the rest is going to
> have to stay pretty much as is (TDS never repeats between the hours of
> 11pm and 2am in Canada).  I do, however, agree that I could tighten up
> my power search, but it seems to be working ok for now.
>   - Derek
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I just record the 10:00 AM (Atlantic Canada) showing everyday day.  It never 
conflicts with anything I want to watch anyway.

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