Thanks for confirming this. Could you describe your platform? Do you have any hardware recommendations?

Sonni Nørløv wrote:


I have a setup with a backend/frontend running on a diskless server in my living room, and a 24x7 server running mysql and nfs, and the daily tv channel update.

Main reason for this is setup is that I have no antenna at the 24x7 server location, and did not want or needed the idle power consumption of the tuner card when not in use. Also I could then use the remote on the prv250 tuner.

This setup has been running ok for over a year now, the main issue is that I have no mythweb on the 24x7 server unless the backend is running, which requires it to be booted.

The servers are connect with 100mbit, so there is no issues with the required bandwidth.


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