On Mon, 10 Oct 2005, Ross Campbell wrote:

What I'd like to do is exclude my "nuvexported TV shows" from mythvideo new
video scanning, and only browse them from the "folder view". Is there some
entry in a dotfile in that directory that exists to tell mythvideo to not
scan that dir? Any other way to do this?

I did this (yesterday in fact) by setting new TV shows to browse level 3, where my default level is 2. And one sql command (something like:

WHERE "videometadata" WHERE "title" LIKE "%/shows/%" browseflag = 3;

or something completely unlike that...)

I can tell you when I get home and check my machine...

I remember seeing messages about a directory-specific dotfile (.mythvideo?)
that could contain a specific player command to override defaults for a give
directory. Could that file be expanded to provide override default values
for new files discovered in that directory and all subdirs as well?

Also, regarding nuvexport and sql metadata... is there any video file
container format that has the equivalent of an "ID3 tag" that can be used
with nuvexport for storage of the show metadata that is in the mythtv
database? I know Matroska has tag support... does any other video container
support tags? http://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/tagging/

Turns out I just found:


from a little googling. But one would need to extend mythvideo to recognize the tags. And nuvexport to populate the tags... wouldn't be a bad idea though - definitely comes in handy when exporting entire seasons of shows (like I did to 4400 Season 2 last night)...

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