Sorry for posting this here, but I don't know where else to look.

I have an XBox running as a MythTV remote frontend.  It is running Xebian 1.0.3.  The built-in XBox DVD drive is quite picky about reading CD-R media, so I installed a CD-RW drive into a USB2 5.25" enclosure.  I then plugged the enclosure into my XBox through a USB-to-controller cable.

I was hoping to use this setup with MythVideo, so I can watch movies on my XBox through MythVideo.  The problem is that I can't find the mount point.  When I look in the system log, I can see that the USB drive is detected, and it can read off the model number of my CD-RW drive, but I don't know how to mount the drive and access the files.

I plugged the same setup into a Windows XP machine and into another machine running Fedora Core 3, and they see it (and mount it) without any problems.

Does anyone know how to mount this thing?  Or, point me a Xebian help forum (if such a thing exists)?

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